Incy Wincy Challenge, ATC and Blog HOP

Do you like ATC cards? I like and I´m happy that we have our first ATC challenge at Incy Wincy Designs. And that´s not all. We have also fantastic blog hop and lot of giweaways.  Ous sponsor is Doodle Pantry and this is my first time I made ATC with digistamp. It was fun so try to make one. As I´m on my vacation at the moment and this post is scheduled I can´t show you what I have to give for the prize so let´s say, it´s suprise. And also I have 3 ATC´s to swap if anyone is interested.

Welcome to Incy Wincy’s 1st ATC SWAP and Blog Hop with prizes along the way !!
So pop into every one’s blog and say hello or you won’t be able to win and some of us have . You should have come here from Chris blog. 
Those playing the challenge will have the option to swap there ATC’s with each other by adding a * at the end of their name and they would mail the ATC they created  to the person below them. The 1st person with a * beside their name would get the ATC from the last person joining in the swap and they would have to send their address to the 1st person in the list. Just Remember to mail your ATC as soon as you can and let your Partner know it’s on it’s way. If you create more then one you can let others know your willing to swap with them add a *plus a number your willing to swap so others can come visit you to get your info. To make it Hopefully really Clear you will SEND your ATC to the person BELOW you andRECEIVE an ATC from the Person ABOVE you 
ie. Nikki*2 (seeing I have two extras to swap)
ATC Size = 2.5 by 3.5 inches
So come play along and make some ATC´s and also hop on to the Heather blog

Incy Wincy Challenge one layer card

One layer card, Saturated Canary image- that´s really big challenge and this week challenge at Incy Wincy Desing.  So come play along and see what DT has made. DT Girls are just brilliant. I treid some masking and I´m really happy that it look so nice as firts I was afraid of it.  Ous sponsor is Saturated Canary and here is what I made.


Incy Wincy Cahllenge with recipe

What a week. It´s been really hard and busy week and all the little things happened. It stated with my camera and I couldn´t make any good quality photos. Now I have my camera back and I took a picture from my card I mad for Incy Wincy Challenge. This week it´s recipe challenge and the recipe is 4 papers, 3 brads, 2 ribbons/ twine and 1 image. Our sponsors are Care2stamp and The Stamping Chef. I used The Stamping Chef image Bring on X-mas.


Vahel kui kutsetega on kiire

Vahel kui kutsetega on kiire, siis mina kahjuks aidata ei saa, sest üritan siiski jälgida oma töögraafikut. Ja neile, kes loodavad käsitöö kutseid saada odavalt ja kiiresti ehk siis nädala ajaga maksimaalselt kahega, võin välja pakkuda väikeses mõõdus kutse, mis on kohe olemas, ainult paela tooni saaks valida. Mõõdud 7×10,5 cm.


Pulmakutsed lilla paela ja roosiga

Nagu ma eelnevalt maininud olen, näitan ma seda, mida tegin kevadel. Nii ka need kutsed lilla paela ja roosiga. Nüüd siis suve lõpuks ka pilt teile. Kokku 24 kutset. Kutsed on tehtud ühe varasema kujunduse järgi, mis oli oranži paelaga.




Must-valge märkmik

Kunagi sai köidetud coptic köites üks märkmik väga laheda sametise paberiga. Ühtpidi oli paber kirju, kui mulle omaselt, ei tahtnud ma seda jätta tühjaks ja veel mõnda aega hiljem sai kaan lisa.



Pulmakutsed “Armastuse aed”

Kevadel telliti minu käest roosa paela ja võtmekesega kutsed ühe minu eelneva kujunduse järgi.  Lisasin võtme ja poolpärlid. Tulemus oli väga kaunis ja mulle endale need kutsed väga meeldisid. Kui ma nüüd õigesti mäletan sai kutseid tehtud 45 tükki.






Incy Wincy Challenge with Lacy Sunshine

It´s Monday and time to take a challenge. At Incy Wincy we are making Gatefold cards this week and we have two sponsors. The first on is Lacy Sunshine and I used Lacy Sunshine digistamp. And we have Redonkadoodles also who is giving some prize to the winner ;). Our theme this week is to make a gatefold card.  If you haven’t made one before, there is a wonderful tutorial here.





I´m really sorry that last week I were so busy that I couldn´t make it here but I show you what I made. Our sponsor was also Lacy Sunshine and the theme was birthday and balloons. Here is what I made.
